Mental Challenge Quiz Questions
Of all the various quiz related question topics out there, this section has probably seen the most growth in demand in recent years - the 'mind quiz' is everywhere! And writing questions in this area is a particular skill, both in terms of creativity in coming up with new questions, and in pitching the difficulty at the correct level.There are a large range of categories and sub-topics within this category; some of the most popular are:
- Say what you see: name that phrase
- Anagram puzzles (themed if required)
- Name that phrase!
- Lateral thinking questions
- Logical challenge questions
There are some samples of the sorts of questions you might expect to appear in each of these five categories at the bottom of this page to illustrate what exactly they are. We haven't given you the answers so you'll have to think about them!
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Sample Questions
Say what you see
Anagram Puzzles
Can you work out the identify of this famous politician?
Name that Phrase!
Here we've given you the first letters of a famous phrase. But what is it?
Lateral Thinking
What will you find at the centre of the sun?
Logical Challenge
Using nothing more than wire, a light bulb, battery and two switches compose an electrical circuit such that whichever switch you press the state of the light bulb will change? The result will be a circuit that replicates that in your home that allows one light in a room to be controlled by two different light switches.