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Advertise your Website

There are many options when it comes to advertising your website. The first choice to make is whether to go for free advertising, paid for advertising or a combination of both.

If you choose to go for free advertising, then there are hundreds of free directories where you can list your business. You often have the choice of a basic listing or paying for a premier listing. A premier listing will tend to bring you to the top of the search results for a particular query, and perhaps also embolden your text or similar to make your entry stand out.

Many for instance pay for premier listing in the yellow pages online listings and other major directories. It needs careful thought as to whether your customer base is likely to use this sort of method to locate companies. Of course a free business pages listing in the UK can be worthwhile though it also opens you up to nuisance calls and business scams!

With regard advertising online, you can do this indirectly through joining and participating the many business forums that exist. Most of these offer you the ability to post a link to your site in your signature.

You can also advertise indirectly by writing articles on or about your business in article directories, which then often get syndicated. Your name and web address are shown at the bottom of each article, and therefore anyone who reads the articles will then be able to come through to your site.

If you want to go for the paid option, then one of the most popular methods is the use of Google Adwords. This scheme allows you to pay for having a small advert and link to your site appear on Google. Here's how it works. Imagine you sell widgets and you set aside a budget for Adwords and target the keyword widgets and write a small advert 'buy your widgets here'.

Then if someone searches for widgets or a related query as deemed by google and the data you enter in your account, your advert is likely to get listed alongside or above the organic results. You then pay for each click that is made on your advert. If you pay 10 cents a click, therefore, and one in 20 goes on to purchase for you, then effectively you pay a couple of dollars for a new client. If the take up rate is 1 in 100 or less and the cost per click higher then you spend more per acquisition, and of course vice versa also.

Many people report good results through AdWords and it is certainly something that many businesses could try to see if it works for them. Because you set the maximum spend each month the worst scenario would be that you get no sales and lose the amount you set aside for one month.

So in sum there are many advertising opportunities for your business online, many of them free methods that you can use to build awareness of your brand.

Please contact us to discuss your site advertising campaign in more detail.

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